Tuesday, January 22, 2008


This Oklahoma arch was at the state fairgrounds near the building where the wedding reception for Andy and Meghan Behrens was held 10/27/07.

Oklahoma state capitol - visited by Cori, Sally and Al.

Oklahoma state capitol rotunda...

This was a sobering moment as we visited the memorial of the Oklahoma bombing.
The gates of time mark 9:01 the time of innocence 'before the attack' and the wall at the other end of the street marks 9:03, the moment Oklahoma City was changed forever...

"168" chairs stand as a poignant reminder of each life lost on April 19, 1995.
At night the names of the victims can be read on each chair...
The chairs are placed according to the floor on which those killed worked or were visiting.
Many windows were blown out on the adjacent building but the 'Survivor Tree' still stands.
It's a 90 year old American Elm - The explosion burn marks are visible on the tree.
The shallow pool of gently flowing water occupies what was once N.W. Fifth St - which has a very calming sound as you stand and contemplate what happened there.

The reflecting pool during the day... the memorial chairs are on the left where the building was destroyed and the 'Survivor Tree' is on the right...
A rescue team wrote these words on the building across from the Alfred P. Murrah Federal building that was destroyed and the words were later used in forming their mission statement...

The OKLAHOMA Experience...

The Riley's left Ohio after work on Thursday (10/25) and traveled approximately 18 hours to Oklahoma for the Wedding reception of Andy and Meghan Behrens (married 9/30/07). We visited with Sally and Al at their home in El Reno, OK on Friday...

Later that evening a dinner was hosted at the Hampton Inn for the family to meet and greet Andy and Meghan. An Italian meal was served and then we shared music and a funny skit by the Plattner family (Chad, Jesse and Javan). They made us all laugh!!!

Cori enjoyed getting to know "Jonas Plattner", her newest nephew!! Jonas looks like he was enjoying himself too.
Andy and Meghan Behrens (the Newlyweds). Sally, Susan and I helped to decorate the hall where the reception was held on Saturday (10/27/07).

Sally did a great job on the table decorations and favors!!! :)

The happy parents: Sally and Al Behrens

Joneses: Angie, Stephanie, Steve and Amy enjoyed the reception...

LauraLee and family enjoyed the party - even Jonas has on his Sunday best!!

Al's brother, Roger, and family from Shaumburg, Illinois visit with Alisa - Sally and Al's daughter from Dallas, TX.