Saturday morning I went with Mark and Andrea to have pictures
taken of Baby Ben at the Belden Village Mall at a new studio
"Sadie's". The studio is very new, but they did get some cute
pictures of Ben...
Then we traveled to Richfield to get a picture of Nathan with
'THOMAS', we were unable to do that the week before, there
were so many people in line waiting. Since that was the last
weekend Thomas was going to be there it was our last chance
to get the picture.
Saturday evening Dale and I had dinner with Wanda and
Dick Perry along with another couple from our church
(Joyce and Wes). Wanda prepared a great meal of chicken,
noodles, potato wedges, salad and rolls. We had dessert later
as we visited on their deck. Very beautiful evening to sit outdoors.
Sunday: attended Sunday School, church and evening service.
We had a good choir practise after the service. Then Dale and I
had a late dinner at Bob Evans.
Lazy day at home for Memorial Day and back to work on Tuesday.
I worked from 6:00 to 2:30 pm and Dale worked late hours. We met
up at the Wads. Bob Evans for supper, along with Mark, Andrea and
'the boys'.
The temp. today was 88 - 90 degrees, I'm hoping tomorrow for a cool down!!!