Saturday, July 18, 2009

Garlinger's Visit....What FUN!!!

Paul, Patsy and Aaron visited the Riley's this week... We haven't
seen them for three years..but it seemed just like yesterday. We
lived next door to one another for several years in the early 70's!!

Aaron had the MOST FUN riding 4-wheelers... Dale, Mark,
Paul and Aaron had a 4-wheeling adventure and Mark
recorded and shared the movies on a DVD with them.

Garlinger's home on wheels - beautiful accomodations..

Returned from a short ride and ready for supper...after
washing up. Need I say some faces were dirtier than others..
Dale and Mark led the way and Paul and Aaron were the
dust eaters...
Aaron took the 4-wheeler for a spin after supper and Paul
said he'll be talking about 4-wheelers for a long time..

What good friends...come back anytime...3 years is much too long!!!

1 comment:

Drew said...

Great photos. I posted a few on my year in photos site, but haven't blogged about it yet. Guess I need to get around to that. :)