Saturday, September 06, 2008

"Incredible" Sweet Corn Saga

August 29th Dale picked the last of our corn for the summer
which was incredible... Actually the name of the seed corn
was "Incredible" and both Dale and Mark said it tasted great!!

Jordyn took a little snooze as Andrea helped to husk
the sweet corn that evening in our garage.

Here, Dale is working away to get all the corn husked...

Even though Nathan wasn't feeling his best - he wanted
to help.
Saturday morning Mark came over and helped Dale and
I get it ready to bag. Mark is great at cutting off the corn,
just like his Dad...
Dale was in full swing here..

Our efforts yielded 64 more pints of sweet corn for
the freezer. INCREDIBLE, wouldn't you say??

1 comment:

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Holy cow! That's a lot of corn. You're going to love eating it's so much better than the store bought stuff. Yum!
